Is Torture Appropriate? - Solitary - Episode 9

In this post, I will give my opinion on torture being a tolerable method of gaining information off of a suspect. I will explain why it might be ideal, and why for some reasons it just doesn't work. Let's get started.

The Situation Is Dire
To start off, torture might just be an ideal method of gaining information if the situation is dire and there is little time for thinking of another plan for gaining the data. But even if there is little time for a different option, the government should have a plan for gaining data ahead of time for these types of dire situations or even stopping the threat before it becomes one.

Lots Lives Are On The Line
Next, torture would probably be an appropriate way of gaining data from a supposed terrorist if hundreds of lives are on the line. At this point, the suspect is known to be a very bad person, and their human rights should not be taken into account at this point. Nobody should ever do this and if there is so many lives on the line, they need to be saved at all costs. And if they do not torture the terrorist, there is doubt that they will not try to do it again if their plan worked the first time, but with torture, they might learn that they don't want that pain again and will choose not to do it again.

They Have Terrorized Before
If they are a known terrorist, and they've violated others' rights before, and they weren't tortured for it, if they try to do it again, they should get tortured for it. If they get away scratch free from their last stunt, they should've thought to not do it again, but if they do it again, they can not be trusted and should be tortured for what they've done.

To sum it up in my opinion, torture should only be used if the situation is a major problem to lives or the issue is repeated, but please tell me what you think about this issue in the comments.


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