Coffin has been Opened!?! - White Rabbit - Episode 5

Near the end of the episode, Jack finds that there is an opened coffin in a cave like area. The question is how was the coffin opened if there was somebody in it?

Immediately, it's a given that the owner of the coffin is Jack's father because it is shown in the flashbacks, but how was it opened? I think that the coffin's latches were broken off during the crash so the coffin could've been opened like that, but then how did Jack's father get out? I think that he was just unconscious for a very long time and everybody thought he was dead. But when he woke up he was in a coffin and he must've been very scared being in such a enclosed area. When they hit the island, he must've been very traumatized by the event and probably was very scared of the people that put him in the coffin so that is probably why he kept on running away from Jack.

Hope you enjoyed reading, please comment if you have any other ideas as i would love to hear them!


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