My Astrological Sign - Raised by Another - Episode 10

In this post, I will talk about my Astrological Sign and if it truly represents me. I won't mention all of the traits of a Virgo, but i'll mention the main ones.

Analytical and Logical
I think that this is very true to myself as I am always visualizing to myself how somethings will turn out because I naturally think ahead of time. Also, I am always trying to make the best decision at the current time so I will have a desirable outcome, so this is true to me.

I always can't stop worrying about the little things, even if I know the thing i'm worrying about isn't really a problem, I will keep telling myself that it is, which leads to a lot of stress, so this true for myself.

Liking Books
I think that this is very correct for myself because reading books is a way to either learn or feel the experiences of another person. Your life can get pretty predictable but when I read books, I forget about my experiences in life at the time and just enjoy the experiences of another life.

Not asking for help
I'm constantly pushing back the urge to ask for help on anything because for me it shows that i'm not learning what I was supposed to and it shows a sort of imperfection in what I am doing and I hate that feeling. I also have a problem of doubting others in what they know and I feel that asking for help won't fix the problem at hand and that I could've done no better after asking for help.

So those are my thoughts on the main traits of a Virgo, they seem very true to my personality in my opinion and it kind of made me recognize the things that I do that I don't even notice. Please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments if your Astrological Sign is true to you as I would love to see if others' signs are true to them too!


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