Why is Jack reluctant to only be "the doctor"? - All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues - Episode 11

Near the start of the episode, John tells Jack that he should go back instead of helping the search to be "the doctor", Jack then denies him and stays with the group. I think that there is a better reason then just wanting to help for staying with the group, i'll explain.

Reason #1
First off, he might of wanted to come with them because he felt responsible for them going missing. He might of thought that since he didn't notice that Ethan wasn't regularly there, he let them get kidnapped.

Reason #2
Because of the patient that his father killed, he might of thought that John, Boone or Kate would make a mistake that was irreversible and might even get them killed because of their choices. He would've wanted to be there to make sure they didn't make a bad decision with severe consequences. He knew if he was in the surgery room before his father made the mistake, her life could've been saved, and he didn't want to have to get a message from one of the three that they were in trouble because they would probably already be in critical condition. To sum that paragraph up, he didn't want to be there too late because he wanted to have a chance at saving them.

I hope you enjoyed this post, it was a bit boring but it does mean something. If you have any other ideas of why he didn't go back to the caves please don't hesitate tell me and I might even add your ideas in!


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